Lost Alpha Site

I’s been another year!

Christmas is knocking on our doors again, chestnuts roasting on open fires and Jack Frost nipping at our nose. Another year has passed by, which brought us many good things and some not so good. At this time of the year we all should celebrate and concentrate on all the good that happened to us in 2014! First of all, thanks to your votes, we are in the TOP100 again on MOTY Awards, there are still 3 days left, and then the finals will begin. We are pretty excited about the results, even though we weren’t really advertising it, but a little news post can’t hurt. We were the first for at least 4 months in a row, and in the top 5 for almost 6 months this year from April till September, which was amazing. We are really glad for the given support from you and the Moddb Staff! The launch wasn’t smooth, Lost Alpha killed the moddb servers due to the heavy visits and downloads, and we even beat Black Mesa in downloads and view counts when Moddb Staff compared the statistics of the ‘day of release’ of these projects. It was unexpected, and we felt honored. Later things calmed down, and we think we are on a good path now to finish the game. Those who regularly visit our site already know of the changes through patches, etc… so if they -you- think we have earned it, to be in the top 5 again, we will be there! Everything depends on your choice.

And a little status update of the upcoming developers cut. Our programmers updated the audio/sound engine of the game, now you can select all your sound cards from the list, and eax finally works, mainly on sound blaster cards, even the integrated sound chipsets which supports eax 2.0 will benefit from the changes. They also started remaking the weapon upgrade system, this time based more on the system in Call of Pripyat. The game designers are filling the empty parts of the levels with more “life” as well. Currently, we are testing the 2nd edited level of the 10 we plan to change. It’s a long sequence, since we need to test run the levels individually, and in story mode as well, to see how the triggers work. When these are finished, we will check the keypoints in the storyline, and try to make the duller parts a bit better without destroying the “jenga tower”.

Christmas and New Years is coming, with greetings of peace and prosperity, the whole dezowave group wishes the very best for you during this special time. May You enjoy all the best now and throughout the coming year. 2015 will be a cool year, it’s not a secret we are working on our next project as well, which will be announced in a few months!